2018 Media Marketing Report


The East Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s 7th Annual Business Media and Marketing Report is an annual effort to bring together knowledgeable experts who can help the business community better understand the economic trends in the East Valley.

April 25, 2018
11:30 am

Arizona Golf Resort
425 S Power Rd, Mesa, AZ

Purchase Your Tickets Here or Become A Sponsor for Our Event

Single Ticket: $120
Table Sponsor: $950
Cobre Sponsorship: $2,500
Presenting Sponsor: $10,000

Purchase Options for the Event:

Single Ticket: $120


Table Sponsor: $950


Cobre Sponsorship: $2,500


Presenting Sponsor: $10K


For information on sponsorship opportunities or more information,
please contact the chamber at info@evhcc.wpengine.com or by calling 480-223-0157

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