The Women Innovative Network supports and promotes the Empowerment of women
at personal as well as inter-personal level.
Women in business tend to face unique challenges that men do not. Still, the working woman with children faces even more obstacles when it comes to time, energy, and adequate resources to advance her work or business career. Having had experienced many of those obstacles themselves, President of the East Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Frankie Jo Rios, and business owners Angela Solorio & Erika Winkle sought out to make a difference in the future of working women by creating the Women’s Innovative Network (WIN). WIN is a networking group formed by women for women to contribute to the success of local working women in business. We do it by providing a sisterhood environment where women can get inspired by other successful entrepreneurs, acquire resources they need to advance their career or business, and meet and learn from other experienced business owners that support the cause and who are making a difference in our community with their unique talents and gifts. We believe that to change the issues women face in business, women and their supporters should come together regularly and uplift one another, share resources and knowledge, and inspire each other to WIN.
To be a positive contributor to the success of all women in business, by providing them with the resources they need to advance their business or career to the next level.
through the positive efforts of today, the women of tomorrow will feel inspired, empowered, and ready to advance confidently in business and entrepreneurship ventures and that it will positively change their socioeconomic future for their families and community.
Maximize women network for career development, mentoring, and work-life integation.
Increase value, exposure, and influence of women´s business, brand or professional accomplishments.
Inspire innovation through meaningful partnerships among business women, entrepreneurs, and leaders.